Des Lynam admits Gary Lineker was a terrible broadcaster at first but fully acknowledges his successor went on to become a television legend fronting Match of the Day. In 1999, Lynam accepted a ...
Des Lynam OBE, 82, is a television and radio presenter who found fame presenting BBC TV’s Grandstand from 1979 to 1991. For ...
The vast majority want suave soccer TV star Des Lynam to be that little bit smoother by shaving off his trademark moustache for charity, according to a poll published today. Shaving company ...
Former Match of the Day presenter Des Lynam admitted he thought Gary Lineker was a 'poor' presenter when the ex-Tottenham Hotspur star began presenting. All the way back in 1999, Lynam left his ...
BBC legend Des Lynam says Match of the Day will be weakened when Gary Lineker leaves. Lineker, who took over from Lynam as presenter of the show back in 1999, announced in November last year that ...