The luxury department store released two limited-edition Wicked versions of their iconic Little Brown Bear, which they bring ...
In the spring of 2014, when the Alaska Board of Game approved brown bear baiting, a high death toll was inevitable. Before the spring hunting season began, the Center and more than 43,000 of our ...
A spate of deadly bear attacks in Romania has raised fears that the population of Europe's largest protected carnivore is increasing beyond control. Three men have been killed in little over a ...
The big brown bat is the Adirondack’s largest bat; only the hoary bat is larger. The long, lustrous fur is brown. The ears, wing and tail membranes are black. Total length is 105-123 mm (4.1-4.8 in).
“Alaskan Bush People” star Bear Brown has shared an update on his living ... Gabe and his little wolf pack in a rent house ...
Standing 1 m (3.3 ft) tall and weighing more than 35 kg (77 lbs), the brown bear's every move captivates fans, who exclaim at his resemblance to a playful puppy and admire his fluffy fur coat.