Great coming-of-age K-dramas depict the significant life transition experienced by its young protagonists, revolving around ...
Set in 1988, this drama follows five childhood friends navigating life in the same neighbourhood and the intricate dance from friendship to emerging romance. Depicting a coming-of-age tale, this ...
These include a space-set romance, a high-stakes medical drama, a high school drama, a period drama and plenty of romcoms thrown into the mix. Han plays Kang Ji-yun, who excels at work but is ...
Tapas' hit college reverse harem romance Bunny and Her Oppas is finally getting a k-drama releasing this April 2025.
Joan Vos MacDonald is a New York-based writer who covers Korean media. Crash Course In Romance is a Korean ... instructor at one of Seoul’s best cram schools. The competition to enroll in ...