"Batman Beyond" served as a sequel series to "Batman: The Animated Series" and "The New Batman Adventures." It's a bolder, darker show than its predecessors, and its villains (including some ...
Batman frequently faces some of DC's deadliest villains, but some of the more generic members of his rogues gallery could ...
A widely unknown villain/anti-hero that has never appeared in live action or animation, but has appeared in video games, could make a great villain in future Reeves installments.
Only a few have found a way to defeat Batman, but there are even fewer who managed to break him. The first was Bane, the venom-juiced villain that would wear down the Bat and almost make him ...
There’s no confirmation as to who the primary villain will be or what’s happening beyond the continued evolution of Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne/Batman. The Batman ended with Pattinson’s ...
Batman: Arkham Shadow boasts an elaborate narrative and the events that aren't showcased may turn out to be as impactful as ...
Terry McGinnis: Rocksteady might focus on Batman Beyond, introducing Terry as a futuristic Batman with new villains and characters. Justice League: The return of Bruce Wayne could involve the ...
In response, another fan shared a screenshot of an article claiming The Batman Part II director Matt ... updates soon — including which villains will be terrorizing Gotham this time around.