(Knowing when it's safe to return after a local quake is something still needing research, Bernard says, but as a benchmark, in the 2004 event tsunami waves pummeled the Sumatran coast for 12 ...
BANDA ACEH: Ten years ago, Gaya Triana, 32, had never heard of the word tsunami. This, of course changed, when 20m-high waves destroyed her family home in Lampuuk, Aceh on Boxing Day, 2004.
The giant waves that engulfed the impoverished ... There remains a widely held view among Aceh's deeply religious Muslim population that God sent the tsunami as a sign to end the conflict.
The huge waves travelled around the Indian ... in the westernmost Indonesian province of Aceh alone, according to the Indonesian government. The tsunami also forced a reckoning about the ...
The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) is providing training to communities in mitigating or reducing the impact of tsunamis through the ...
It hits Banda Aceh with the force of sixty hurricanes ... In the deep ocean, tsunami waves can reach speeds of up to 800 kilometres per hour. As the wave approaches shallower waters near to ...