Top five factors influencing consumer spending - sustainability, ultra-processed foods (UPF), habits, trends, affordability.
“Indulgence, convenience and value” are the three factors influencing consumer trends in food and beverage, says Ophelie ...
Citations: Fan, Xiaojun, Yi Qian, Pei Huang. 2012. Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour Towards Store Brand: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Market Research. (3)407-430.
Given the high level of uncertainty and the potential for emotions to overcome rational thought, investors should consider the five factors likely to influence ... of changes in behavior ...
Like the UMSCI, the CCI provides several valuable data points to help understand consumer behavior. Factors that influence consumer sentiment can range from economic conditions to geopolitical events.
How do different colors affect your emotions and behavior? This article will explore the neuroscience of color and some fascinating research on this topic. At the most basic level, color ...
Recent research has focused on understanding consumer behavior regarding these products, including factors that influence acceptance ... about these products[5]. This underscores the need for ...