Marsh-Johnson House, also known as Robert Johnson House, is a historic home located near Saluda, Saluda County, South Carolina. It was built about 1817, and is a two-story, log farmhouse sheathed in weatherboard. The house sits on a brick foundation and has a one-story, shed-roofed porch. It is considered one of the earliest and intact log residences in …Marsh-Johnson House, also known as Robert Johnson House, is a historic home located near Saluda, Saluda County, South Carolina. It was built about 1817, and is a two-story, log farmhouse sheathed in weatherboard. The house sits on a brick foundation and has a one-story, shed-roofed porch. It is considered one of the earliest and intact log residences in South Carolina. The house rests on massive brick piers, which are laid in Flemish bond. A one-story, shed-roofed porch with wooden foundation piers and four rough hewn tree trunks supporting the roof spans the façade. Many of the windows retain their batten shutters.