Malapattam is a village in Kannur district in the Indian state of Kerala. As of 2011 Census, Malapattam had a population of 9,628 with 4,497 males and 5,131 females. Malapattam village has an area of 19.34 km² with 2,250 families residing in it. The male female sex ratio was 1,141 lower than state average of 1,084. In Malapattam, 10.55% of the populatio…
Malapattam is a village in Kannur district in the Indian state of Kerala. As of 2011 Census, Malapattam had a population of 9,628 with 4,497 males and 5,131 females. Malapattam village has an area of 19.34 km² with 2,250 families residing in it. The male female sex ratio was 1,141 lower than state average of 1,084. In Malapattam, 10.55% of the population was under 6 years age. Malapattam had overall literacy of 92.9% higher than national average of 59% and lower than state average of 94%.