Harpasa was a city and bishopric in ancient Caria in Roman Asia Minor, which only remains a Latin Catholic titular see. Little is known of the history of this town, situated on the east bank of the Harpasus, a tributary of the Mæander. It is mentioned by Ptolemy, by Stephanus Byzantius, by Hierocles, and by Pliny the Elder. According to Pliny, there was in th…Harpasa was a city and bishopric in ancient Caria in Roman Asia Minor, which only remains a Latin Catholic titular see. Little is known of the history of this town, situated on the east bank of the Harpasus, a tributary of the Mæander. It is mentioned by Ptolemy, by Stephanus Byzantius, by Hierocles, and by Pliny the Elder. According to Pliny, there was in the neighbourhood a rocking stone which could be set in motion by a finger-touch, whereas the force of the whole body could not move it.